Karl Rove has gone on the attack again, but this time his sights are set on Barack Obama regarding his stance on various abortion issues. In the same speech Rove decided to heap all sorts of praise on John McCain for his “
.” If I remember correctly, Rove was the architect of George Bush’s primary battle against McCain in 2000 where he used similarly disgusting tactics to run him out of contention for president.
What’s interesting, if the article is to be believed, is that Rove made no mention of McCain’s prior stance on abortion but instead decided to tout his family values. I guess “family values” includes abortions without even mentioning it. What’s also interesting is from this reading Rove’s attacks on Obama dealt with federal funding of abortion. I wonder if Republicans have abandoned hope of Supreme Court intervention? As a refresher, I offer this exchange from Larry King Live in February of 2000 between Bush and McCain:
What’s interesting, if the article is to be believed, is that Rove made no mention of McCain’s prior stance on abortion but instead decided to tout his family values. I guess “family values” includes abortions without even mentioning it. What’s also interesting is from this reading Rove’s attacks on Obama dealt with federal funding of abortion. I wonder if Republicans have abandoned hope of Supreme Court intervention? As a refresher, I offer this exchange from Larry King Live in February of 2000 between Bush and McCain:
[to Bush]: Do you believe in the exemption, in the case of abortion, for rape, incest, and life of the mother?
: Yeah, I do.
: [But you] support the pro-life plank [in the Republican Party platform]?
: I do.
: So, in other words, your position is that you believe there’s an exemption for rape, incest and the life of the mother, but you want the platform that you’re supposed to be leading to have no exemption. Help me out there, will you?
: I will. The platform doesn’t talk about what specifically should be in the constitutional amendment. The platform speaks about a constitutional amendment. It doesn’t refer to how that constitutional amendment ought to be defined.
: If you read the platform, it has no exceptions.
: John, I think we need to keep the platform the way it is. This is a pro-life party.
: Then you are contradicting your platform.
Has lightning struck McCain? Is he now a confirmed pro-lifer? Does he now agree with Bush that the platform of the Republican Party is fine as is and the exceptions he spoke of in 2000 are not needed? John McCain is George Bush’s incarnate but with an old-man’s body.

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